Actuator: it is a mechanism similar to the pacer but, instead of moving the parts sidewise, it uses a rotating movement.

Frequency: it defines how many parts we need to get in a minute, at identical intervals. For example: 12 parts/minute means that every 5 seconds another single part must be ready and in the expected position.

Pacer: it is a mechanism which moves the parts sidewise, at the established frequency. It consists of a cursor and one or more pneumatic cylinders.

Circular feeder: it is the term we use for vibratory systems in their basic version, namely unit and bowl.

Dry contact: it indicates the part of the controller where a PLC cable can be connected, with the aim of controlling the switching on and off of the circular systemaccording to the signals received by the controlled sensor.

Controllers:: an electrical device handling the actuation of drive unit and bowl (also called circular feeder), or of the linear feeder, on which a channel for the parts conveyance is mounted.

Cursor: a component which, by being joined to the pneumatic cylinder, performs the lateral displacement of the part.

Gathering: the vibrations produced by the drive unit allow the conveying of the parts and their gradual movement towards the feeder outflow. The parts oriented do not arrive constantly though, there might be moments in which there are several parts and moments in which they are lacking. For this reason, in order to handle such dynamics and guarantee the expected frequency, the implementing of areas where the single pre-set parts coming from the bowl can gather is necessary. The buffering function can be performed by a linear feeder or a Rilsan tube, the size of which needs to be established according to the size of the parts that need feeding.

Dead end: this is a fault that might occur in the internal area of a bowl, where, despite the vibrations, the parts are not moving.

Line breaking solution: it can be internal or mechanical, it is a device to avoid the formation of columns of parts before they leave the vibrating bowl. It is useful and necessary when there is no channel or linear with a lunging function, where the samples would be placed already ordered and in the desired position.

Singulation: it is the movement performed by the pacer while isolating the part to be picked up or for further actions.

Separation: the phase aimed at separating a single part while complying with the required frequency. This means that every few seconds, the mechanical component (pacer) will supply the part to be picked up in the expected position.